Plant City Observer

Letter to the Editor: Response to C.L. Townsend’s defense of Vote By Mail ballots

A recent writer (C.L. Townsend, May 28) advocated mail-in ballots for the upcoming election. He says his primary concern is public safety during this time of the coronavirus pandemic. Although we already have the right to request a mail-in ballot for those who really need it, our Supervisor of Elections, Craig Latimer, has sent these ballots at taxpayers’ expense to everyone.* He is simply inviting fraud.

These ballots could be handled by anyone before or after the fact on the outside before being returned or counted. Ironically, we’re not allowed to communicate at the voting booth but can now openly interact outside the voting booth to influence the vote with a ballot being passed around. Healthcare is not even the issue, but another attempt to stack the deck. The Democrats, of course, favor these tactics since there is no way they can beat Trump at the polls.

By the way, Mr. Townsend, the writer of the previous letter to the editor favoring mail-ins, is a Democratic candidate for Florida House-District 58. His wife heads the Democratic Party of Hillsborough County. 

Mr. Latimer, Supervisor of Elections, is also a Democrat in a supposed nonpartisan office. Perhaps he would be more at home in California, where mail-ins are favored and the state is a failed Democratic liberal state. He is the only supervisor in 16 surrounding counties who has mass mailed these out.

Donald J. Trump, one of the greatest Americans of all time, will likely win again because of what he has done for America when voters cast their direct and unaltered votes. Thanks, President Trump. May your amazing work continue in spite of the abysmal ignorance around you and the hate that will eventually implode the other side.

– David Bailey

*Editor’s note: Vote By Mail ballots for any election are only sent to registered voters who have requested them, the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections office confirmed to the Observer. The office is currently fulfilling more than double the number of mail-in ballot requests of the 2016 Primary Election, a huge increase most likely caused by voters’ concerns about COVID-19 transmission.

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