We asked Plant City: What is one food you hate but everyone else loves? Not really “food”, but COFFEE, yuck!!!!! Karen Ann Cox Avocado, Seafood, Mushrooms…yuck, yuck yuck! Donna Martinez Salmon Barbara Skaggs Ward Cottage cheese Cynthia Davis Van Camp Fish & any seafood … anything that comes out of water Kelsey Spell Pumpkin anything […]
Continue ReadingAround Town
Around Town 08.08.24
Sights from the aftermath of Tropical Storm/Hurricane Debby
Continue ReadingAround Town 08.01.24
We asked Plant City: If you were stuck on an island what three items would you want to have with you? Fresh water, hooks and line. Thomas C. Chase Water filter, signal starters, and a book on how to build a raft! Plant City Creations, LLC Water a sleeping bag and short wave radio so […]
Continue ReadingAround Town 07.25.24
We asked Plant City: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? travel on business all over the world, but I always look forward to coming home to Plant City! Stephanie Holmquist Johnson Mexico Xcaret resort. Brian Reed Alaska. Lossie Kitchen Greece, Bora Bora, or Yellowstone National Park. Autie Hope Scottland […]
Continue ReadingAround Town 7.18.24
buy land and build a cat/dog sanctuary Carol White Depending upon the amount won.. I’d pay off my daughter’s debt, get a decent vehicle, buy a house or purchase land to put a couple of tiny homes so my daughter could have her privacy, me I’m old not much happening to rock my world nowadays […]
Continue ReadingAround Town 07.11.24
If you had the opportunity to give your younger self one piece of advice what would it be and why?
Continue ReadingAround Town 7.3.24
We asked Plant City: What is your favorite song? Old or new. Nearer my God to thee by Allan Hall… just one of many favorites Sally Knight Raburn One In a Million Ray Reinhart Goodness of God Debbie West Harrell Amazing Grace Barbara Skaggs Ward How Great Thou Art Debbie Cribbs Build my mansion Betty […]
Continue ReadingAround Town 6.27.24
We asked Plant City: What is the best movie that’s so traumatic you can only watch it once?
Continue ReadingWe asked Plant City to share photos of fathers or father figures
Around Town 6.13.24
Around Town 6.13.24
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