Plant City Observer

WLCA Election: need new president

As a former Walden Lake Community Association director and treasurer, I feel that this election is a very important one. In my opinion, there are several reasons why you should not vote for Bob Hunter. My feelings are that whatever he wants to do he can get the board majority to go along with him. 

If WLCA residents were polled about joining a lawsuit against Visions Golf at the cost of $50,000 and upwards, the answer would have been no, in my opinion. If the residents, not just a committee, were polled about having a sports complex on the polo field at a huge cost, I think the residents would have preferred to spend the money on bringing our community more up to date. I believe he, as the president in 2015, enabled the WLCA to go over budget by about $49,000, according to a December 2015 financial document on If Bob Hunter is allowed another term of office, his record of fiscal decision making could result in financial disaster for Walden Lake.

He runs the meetings so that unless you want to speak on an agenda item, you can’t speak about a non-agenda issue until the comment portion at the end of the meeting. I know that from trying to ask questions. 

His budget-cutting idea of dropping the HOAs from the Master Association to save approximately $6,000 could cost the HOA’s an estimated, collective $40,000 to $50,000. There are 40 HOAs, and insurance is based on size. The lowest quote for insurance I’ve received is $850 per year. The highest quote I’ve received is $1,500 per year. 

Ray Page has worked very hard with the maintenance contractor for the common areas to keep things running smoothly since we are now on our fourth manager.

Alicia Powell has had good experience being an HOA president and will be a refreshing change for the board.

Rich Glorioso set up and oversaw the volunteer tax program for Plant City, was a City Commissioner for six years and a Florida House of Representative for four years. He has been on the WLCA board of directors for a total of 10 years.  I’ve volunteered with Rich Glorioso for many years, and this is a board member to be re-elected, along with Page, and a new one, Powell.  

— Karen Olson, resident and an HOA President

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