Plant City Observer

WLCA denies new RFP policy

The Walden Lake Community Association will not pursue the idea of a request-for-proposal policy that would outline services and procedures for maintenance-related issues in the deed-restricted community.

Board member Steve Swantek brought up the idea of the RFP policy, saying it would be a useful tool for board members to have when discussing future maintenance issues.

Other board members also said it would serve as a concrete organizational tool in the event that Tom Daramus, the on-site manager of the community who handles day-to-day maintenance issues and complaints as well as the bidding process and selection, no longer could perform his job.

Those against the idea argued it would micromanage the bidding process, which already seems to work well. Opponents also said they would have to create another board to draft and oversee the policy. The extra work would be a waste of manpower and resources.

“This would tie Tom’s hands,” treasurer Karen Olson said. “Plus, Tom knows what he’s doing. We trust him.”

Contact Amber Jurgensen at


• The WLCA is in the process of obtaining a quote for an electric gate for the entrance to the lake park parking lot. The gate would prevent non-residents from going to the park and using the lot. The park is only for Walden Lake residents.

Daramus said that many days the parking lot is full with non-resident cars. Residents call the office to complain. If in violation, cars are subject to towing.

The gate would have a keycard or password access, preventing nonresidents from parking in the lot. Once the quote is secured, the WLCA can discuss the matter further.

• The annual meeting, including elections, will take place at 7 p.m. April 11. Ballots will be sent out 30 days prior to the meeting. Board members up for renewal include Marcus Alexich, Robert Hunter and Ray Page. If you are interested in running for the board, contact the office, (813) 754-8999.

• The community garage sale will take place from 8 a.m. to noon April 6. Residents can set up a sale in their driveways as long as they secure a proper city permit.


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