Plant City Observer

WHAT’S ON KLINE’S MIND? What does Justin Kline want for Christmas?

I don’t know about you all, but I’ve been in Christmas mode for over a month already.

For many of you, Christmas mode probably begins after Thanksgiving (or even Halloween), when the stores start going all-out with the Christmas decorations. Most journalists who cover prep sports probably have their moment around this time, when all high school sports go on break.

I got ready right after Halloween ended, while visiting some friends in Polk County and playing darts. One of my very good friends has a tendency to drink two beers and hijack Pandora to play a Christmas music radio station without warning, and this year it was hearing “Blue Christmas” that made me realize how close we were.

But, that’s a good thing. Plant City looks awesome around this time of year, and we finally have consistently great sports weather outside. Get out there and take advantage of it!

Like many area athletes, I’m also looking forward to this Christmas break. Next week, after we’ve finished putting together our next two issues, I’m going on my first real vacation as an adult and spending a week in Arizona. The only downside to that trip is that I’ll have to break my tradition of watching the NBA’s Christmas Day games, because my cousins like to tear through the Godfather trilogy every year.

The one thing I haven’t put much thought into this year was my Christmas list. It’s not even because I have a birthday that cuts it so close (I turned 24 on Wednesday), which has always led to “combination” gifts — it’s just that I’ve been so wrapped up with the hectic, ever-changing landscape of mid-December journalism that I forgot to do it.

So, I guess you could say that Christmas lists are now on my mind. I could use a few things from the sports department, and I know that at least a few of my family members are reading this column. (But, hey, no pressure.)

1. Baseball glove: The only glove I have left is a righty outfielder’s glove from the 1980s, a Japanese brand that I still know nothing about, passed down to me by my dad several years ago. I was actually given two gloves at the same time and never put two and two together, until the other glove fell apart and I had to start using this one. Now I know why it never got used much. It’s possibly the most uncomfortable glove ever made.

2. Basketball shoes: I have a pair of Nikes that I like, but they are really heavy. They’re probably better suited for a big man than someone who’s usually forced to play guard because they’re short. I also started drooling a little when Nike recently unveiled the new Kyrie Irving shoes. Also, my advice to anyone buying basketball shoes is to stay away from Adidas — unless you want to put the Adidas injury curse on a loved one.

3. Free-standing heavy bag: One question that I often ask when I do Athlete of the Week is something along the lines of, “If you could go pro in any sport, what would it be?” In a dream world, I’d box as a middleweight. I have no intention of actually trying to go pro, but I do believe that there’s no better way to get in good shape than to train like a boxer. And, punching stuff that was made to be punched is an awesome stress reliever.

4. Wiffle ball gear: I will never say no to a game of wiffle ball. I used to own an awesome bat and a ton of balls, but I left everything with a friend this summer and it’s now almost all gone. I have no idea how that happened. And, I have a habit of going to Walmart and forgetting that I need to replace my stuff.

I doubt I’ll get everything on this short list. (Those Kyries might cost more than the heavy bag.) But, I hope that you all get everything you asked for and that you all have a great Christmas!

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