Plant City Observer

Sidelines 5.22.15

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+ Keel crashes in Dallas

The start of Aidan Keel’s MAXSpeed/Rotax U.S. Open campaign didn’t go as well as hoped. He wrecked and was not able to finish the feature race.

Keel, who started 23rd in the field, was pushed over a curb before completing the first lap. The impact caused his vehicle’s chain to come off, and the young driver was done for the weekend.

The next race of the U.S. Open will be held June 25 to 28 at the Grand Junction Motor Speedway, in Grand Junction, Colorado. Factoring in the crash at Dallas, Keel may have to race August 6 to 9 in the U.S. Rotax Max Challenge Grand Nationals in Kershaw, South Carolina to earn a spot in the Rotax World Finals this November.


+ P.C. athletes in summer games

Plant City’s Special Olympics athletes came home from the State Summer Games with plenty to show for all of their hard work.

In total, area teams took home 11 medals: four gold, three silver and four bronze. The results are:

Volleyball: Gold (Black, Orange teams); Silver (Teal team)

Soccer: Silver (Teal team); Bronze (Orange team)

Track and Field: Gold (Bailey Lemelin, running long jump; Thomas Kranz, tennis ball throw); Silver (Bailey Lemelin, 100 meter run); Bronze (Tori Selph, running long jump; Devin Amerson, 100 meter run; Thomas Kranz, 25 meter assisted walk); fifth place (Tori Selph, 100 meter run; Devin Amerson, running long jump)


+ Register now for youth program

Plant City Recreation & Parks Department is accepting registration for youth summer programs.

From June 8 through August 14, children enrolled in either program will get to participate in indoor and outdoor activities, take field trips and more. These programs are open to any child 5 to 11 (MLK) or 6 to 15 (Planteen), so long as they have completed kindergarten. They run from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Field trip locations include Lowry Park Zoo, Wet ’n’ Wild and Fun Spot.

Registration at the MLK Rec Center costs $300 per child, and Planteen Rec Center registration costs $400. The fees cover costs such as park admission fees, transportation and camper T-shirts.

To register with the MLK Rec Center, call Lillie Brown, (813) 757-9196; the Planteen Rec Center, call Jason Hargrove, (813) 659-4256.

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