After the July 13 attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump, Observer staff traveled to different locations in Plant City to ask people for their reactions and thoughts.
As a sign of how negatively-charged the current political environment in America is, most people declined to comment—some specifying they feared personal backlash. However, some Plant Citians spoke their minds.
“Politics should be civil,” said Serge Agui. “It shouldn’t be about ‘This one is bad. We have to get rid of him.’ The fight should be about what you stand for—what is going to be good for this country. This country made all of us one. Republican, Democrat, Independent, whoever you are. The flag is one. So we should care about the common good—what the flag represents. So Republican, Democrat—for me they are all the same. Nowadays the U.S. is so divided that it is scary. And those politicians are not giving a good example to the future generations. What is the legacy they are leaving to our kids? So, if I think what you stand for is wrong, I am going to take a gun and try to kill you? Seriously—that’s insane!”
“I don’t think it’s right,” commented Scott Eccard. “It’s awful—the firefighter that was killed was there to enjoy his day.”
“I’ve long thought that with the hate shown towards him (Trump), that assassination attempts would be made against him,” said Connie Thomas. “I was taken by surprise, like much of the country was, and I think it was horrific. I think it was unnecessary. I think both sides need to tone down their political rhetoric, language, and attitudes a lot—I mean greatly—both sides. I would like to see this bring the country together more…I hope. I am very, very thankful to God for sparing President Trump’s life. It could have ended very, very badly. I am very grateful that he is alive today. And I look forward to voting for him in November. I pray for our country daily, and I would like to see some changes made in a positive way to better our country and to bring it together. I hope this will unify people in our country. We need that. People are tired of what has been happening. Inflation is out of control. I just left the store. I got just a small amount, and I spent over $300. It is just my husband and I. I can only imagine what large families are having to go through and how they are suffering. I really hope that some change will be made.”
“I don’t really have any political views on the assassination,” said Ethan Farkas. “I don’t really follow any sort of government information.”
“The government is sending all our money to Ukraine, Israel, and Iraq,” said Prince Turner. “Trump is not going to put up with political propaganda, and lose our money and our soldiers…. NATO wants to use America. NATO is not doing their fair share. They are taking all of our Social Security. I feel that when Trump gets in office, he will pull back their money….They are afraid of that, and they got together to try to assassinate him.”
“I’m not a Trump fan,” commented Shawn Hubbard. “However, I don’t want the man dead. If he’s our next president, he’s our next president. I’ll accept that if that’s what America votes. It’s all you’ve got to do. It’s insane—and the security lapse is mind-boggling. It just doesn’t make sense, and I hope it never happens again. I’m sure now they will tighten security. They are going to have to. The sad thing is what it has done to us Americans. We should be condemning the shooter and his act, not each other. There is crazy talk that it was a set up, it was staged, or it was committed by the Democrats. It doesn’t matter who did it—they were wrong. I don’t care whether it was Republican, Democrat…it’s wrong. We don’t kill each other over politics. It’s sad. It is a sad day in America. And again, I reiterate, I am not a Trump fan. It is America—we have voting. If he’s voted in, he’s my president, and I will stand by whatever he says. Now let’s just hope that everybody is safe for the duration—forever—but especially until the election. There won’t be another security lapse like that. I hope not.”