Plant City Observer

PHOTO GALLERY: Preschoolers fired up

By Amber Jurgensen | Associate Editor

Sirens sounded for the preschoolers at the First Baptist Church of Plant City this morning. But there was no emergency. Three firefighters and a shiny red truck came out to show and tell for community day at the school.

Captain James Wingo, Lance Borgers and Jason Mesa talked with two, three and four-year-olds, showing them firefighting equipment, blaring the siren and raising a 75-foot ladder.

The two-year-old class was a bit frightened by the noise and commotion, but some ventured to sit in the drivers seat. Three and four-year-olds loved the truck.

So far, the school has had a police officer come for the community unit where the students learn about heroes in town. The school also wants to have a nurse come to talk with the students.

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