Plant City Observer

PHOTO GALLERY: Behind the scenes of ‘Les Mis’

Tickets were sold out to the Thursday, July 26 show of Les Miserables at the Plant City Entertainment’s community theater.

Opening night for the show was last weekend, but the musical hasn’t lost any momentum in attracting an audience. The seats, as well as the parking lot, were packed.

“The audience has gotten better and better as time has gone on,” Jason Mann, who plays Inspector Jalvert, said backstage.

“The shows are sold out which is a testament to how excited the audience is for the show,”  Brian Beach, one of two actors who plays Jean Valjean, said.

The audience certainly showed their enthusiasm by clapping and even cheering during the production which has gained popularity in thanks to the recent Hollywood movie.

But the production doesn’t come without a set of roadblocks.

“It’s been very challenging,” Sharyn Beach said, who plays a lovely lady among other roles. “It’s a very complexed show.”

Despite the 52-member cast and small stage, the production hasn’t been hindered. With more than two-thirds the cast on stage for the finale, it’s still been successful.

“It’s great,” Mallory Quinn, who plays Eponine, said. “We have an awesome cast and awesome orchestra.”


July 26 and 27; 8 p.m.
July 28; 2 p.m.
Aug. 1-3; 8 p.m.

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