Plant City Observer

Elks host PCFR and PCPD awards dinner

Though Taylor Skipper couldn't attend Plant City Fire Rescue's annual awards dinner, she cleaned up.

Skipper won the department's Firefighter of the Year and Iron Man/Iron Woman of the Year awards Thursday night in a dinner ceremony at Plant City Elks Lodge #1727. David Brewington of Brewington's Towing Service was given a plaque honoring his and his company's support of PCFR. Chris DiFrancesco was recognized for five years of service with the fire department, David Burnett was recognized for 10 years of service and Jeffrey Griggs and John Carter were recognized for 15 years of service.

The Elks held a luncheon the same day for the Plant City Police Department to award them similar honors. The Elks provide an Employee of the Year award to both Police and Fire/EMT's. Many officers made an appearance and Chief Duncan presented them with the awards following a ham lunch. 

The Police Employee of the year is John H. Whitehead, who Chief Duncan described as a man that fixes everything. He joked they call on him for"MacGyver" type repairs when needed under storm conditions. 

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