Plant City Observer

Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Wilson students meet, question Mayor Rick Lott

City Hall was packed the morning of Thursday, March 24. Mayor Rick Lott met his (future) constituents from Wilson Elementary School in the Sadye Gibbs Martin Auditorium for the school’s annual “Meet the Mayor” day. 

Lott greeted all three of Wilson Elementary’s fifth grade classes, and told them about the role of the mayor and city commissioners in city ongoings. Students learned about the various jobs of their elected officials, including managing the city’s budget, providing water and sewer services and zoning areas of Plant City. 

After a round of Q-and-A with Lott, students got a chance to serve as elected officials. Students acted as the mayor, city commissioners, city clerk and city attorney and answered questions from fellow students. 

Contact Emily Topper at

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