Moody was sworn in Tuesday as the newest United States Senator.
Congratulations Senator Ashley Moody!
Well, that’s quite a salutation, United States Senator. It’s one, though, that is especially fitting for Ashley Moody, a Plant City native, who seems on a fast track to doing great things and making those who know her proud in the process.
In case you’ve somehow missed it, Ashley Moody was sworn in Tuesday as our nation’s newest United States Senator. That’s a big deal. She’s now part of that elite upper chamber of Congress that allots only two spots per state for its members to deliberate all matters of things that affect our country, and, really, the world, too.
Ashley will be voting on budgets and tax matters, treaties with foreign nations, confirming the President’s picks for Judges, Ambassadors, and even his Cabinet members. She’ll nominate applicants to our military academies, participate in investigative committees, and get a top secret clearance, making her privy to most any secret info we have.
She’ll attend state dinners and meet world leaders. She’ll travel the world on fact-finding missions. She joins the ranks of some very powerful people in our history who, as Senators, have over the years shaped the course of our country to where we are, and what we will be.
Yes, Ashley Moody has taken a very big step in becoming OUR United States Senator.
Just a few weeks ago, Ashley was fully immersed in the second half of her second term as Florida’s Attorney General. That position, too, was quite an accomplishment that all of her family and friends were rightfully proud of. Before that, in 2006, at the rather young age of 31, she became the youngest ever in Florida to be elected as a Circuit Court Judge.
Certainly, too, I would be remiss if I failed to mention that in 1993 she set her sights upon and won the title of Florida Strawberry Festival Queen!
Frankly, Ashley has done so much, so fast, and so well that nowadays whenever she earns a new title or accomplishes a sought after goal, to most, if not all, of her family and friends, the news comes as no surprise. Proud, excited, even thrilled for her we may be, but surprised? Nope, not a bit!
Ashley’s Dad, Senior United States District Judge James Moody, said that Ashley was always ambitious, but he first noticed her leadership qualities when in high school her teammates elected her as captain of the cheerleaders (yes, she did that, too!).
Her Mom, Carol Moody, another lawyer in the family (who worked for years with Bay Area Legal Services) spoke with me while headed with the rest of the family to the swearing-in ceremony in Washington. Infused with excitement, she said that her “heart is bursting with pride” and not just on Ashley’s becoming a Senator, but that she continues to “use the gifts that God has granted her to help others.” Yes, proud Mother, indeed!
Ashley’s brother, Judge Jamey Moody (who’s the fourth lawyer in the family), said she’s been a great influence on him. “She’s always had big dreams,” he said. “She’s set her sights high, and had the confidence and perseverance to pursue them, but in a very humble and gracious manner.”
Ashley’s sister, Tricia, is the only non-lawyer in the family. Instead, she’s a physician; it’s a very accomplished family!
Tricia said that Ashley has always been the proverbial mindful older sister, giving her advice and watching over her. Too many times to recount were stories of Ashley skipping events of her own just to be there to help Tricia in whatever she was doing. “She’ll always stop what she’s doing and take my call,” she said; to which I imagined Ashley saying in a meeting one day, “Excuse me, Mr. President, Tricia is calling!”
Always revealing are comments from former teachers and advisors. Jon Olson, a teacher and Student Government Advisor at Plant City High School when Ashley was there said, “She stood out from day one. Dealing with student leaders you can instantly tell the true leaders from the ones who were elected because of their popularity.”
Aimee Sparkman is a lifelong friend of Ashley. Together they went to school, church camps and had sleepovers. They taught each other how to drive by steering through orange groves near Lake Nellie. They both went to the University of Florida and together joined the sorority of Ashley’s mother.
Aimee is the daughter of long-serving Plant City Commissioner and former Mayor, Michael Sparkman, which means she knows a thing or two about politicians and is adept at spotting good ones. Aimee is very proud of her sorority sister, but not a bit surprised. With Ashley, she says with a tone of sweet expectation, it’s only a matter of “what’s next?”
As for me, I’ve known Ashley her entire life and share the pride that her family and friends all show. She’s smart, focused, and determined. Charming, too, and can make you smile even when you disagree with her. When she was a young teenager, my wife and I would frequently ask Ashley to be the babysitter for our two sons. She was delightful, polite, responsible, and worth every bit of that $2 per hour that I probably paid her way back when!
Ashley was eager and energetic. She enjoyed playing games with our sons and likely mediated some arguments and fights that they got into. It’s nice to think that one day when Senator Moody is helping members of Congress reach consensus on matters of dire importance, we can reminisce over her babysitting experiences and ponder about how that was, no doubt, where she began to master those successful skills!
Congratulations, Ashley! We’re proud of you and know that you will serve us all so well.