A celebration will be held Tuesday, July 12, at the Plant City Photo Archives and History Center.
Since July 6, 1921, the Kiwanis Club has been a strong presence and a helping hand in the Plant City community. Working for children with numerous area charities and pushing for other important activity, such as the creation of the Florida Strawberry Festival, it's hard to tell the story of the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World without the club.
Ninety-five years and six days later, there will be a celebration at the Plant City Photo Archives and History Center. The center will hold a dinner at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 12, at its downtown office, 106 S. Evers St. Dinner will be served at 6:30, following a wine and cheese reception.
Tickets are $35 per person, and are available to both Kiwanis members and non-members. To puchase tickets, or for more information, call the photo archives at (813) 754-1578.