Plant City Observer

Focus on Fitness: Find Your Why in 2022

I remember it like it was yesterday, the first time I had to shop in the husky section for jeans.  I was nine years old and it was a really tough experience, made no easier by being teased during school for being overweight.  As an adult I have had the great opportunity to learn from wellness professionals and have learned a lot about eating the right foods, drinking enough water, and a variety of ways to exercise. Combine that with consistent sleep and meditation and you have a recipe for a healthy mind and body.  It really is that simple, eat balanced meals, exercise, drink water, meditate and sleep and you will be in the top one percent of health in the world. It can’t be that simple, can it? January is always my favorite time of the year because it is a fresh start and there is hope and optimism for a lot of people. Many of us use the new year to set new health goals to accomplish in the new year and I am going to outline the way to make 2022 your healthiest year yet: 

Step 1: This is absolutely without question the most important step to achieving any goal, determine WHY you want to accomplish the goal.  On average, a new year’s resolution lasts 36 days and I believe this is the one thing that can determine success or failure in your goal.  

Step 2: Set realistic habits that can help you accomplish the goal.  If you want to lose weight, challenge yourself to wake up 10 minutes earlier each day and take a walk.  Once you enjoy that and see progress add another 10 minutes, then maybe consider a jog, etc.  Focus on the habits and the goal will follow. 

Step 3: Find someone to hold you accountable, this can be a friend, trainer, peer etc.  We live in a social media world, share your goal with everyone.  Everyone is rooting for you to be your best self.  

Step 4: Invest in yourself to reach the goal. I always ask someone the simple question, what would you be willing to pay/invest to reach this goal, the number is always much higher than what you’d actually have to invest.  Make the investment to be your best self this year!

Step 5: Celebrate the wins along the way. Sometimes we make a really big goal and it feels so far away,  I will use myself as an example. In 2021 I had a goal to lose 35 pounds. I fell short of this goal but I am still celebrating because I was able to lose 20 pounds. 

So here is my personal example for 2022 and how I am going to make this the best year possible: 

1. My Why: In April 2022 I am getting married to my best friend and I want to be in the best physical and mental shape I have ever been. 

2. Realistic Habits: Fortunately, through a lot of practice, colleagues and our own Plant City YMCA, I exercise every morning.  I am going to be focused on enhancing my workouts and working with a nutritionist to follow a reasonable plan on five of the seven days per week.

3. Accountability: As you can tell by reading this, I am sharing it with anyone who reads this article.  My good friend is also getting married next year so we have a healthy competition going for accountability. 

4. Investment: I am going to work with a trainer/nutritionist within the first month of the year to accomplish my goal. 

5. Every time I hit a milestone on my journey I am going to truly share and celebrate with everyone. 

2022 is your year, you deserve to be healthy and happy.  Everyone is rooting for you, even the kids that picked on you in middle school. 

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