Plant City Observer

Focus On Fitness 7.20.23

Why should I invest in a personal trainer? This might be a question you ask yourself when you’re at the gym, or have a friend who is talking to you about how they have a trainer. Here are some reasons that most people see better results with a trainer rather than just going to the gym by themselves. One reason people see a lot of progress (whether that’s weight loss or muscle gain) is because a trainer will customize your workout routine based on what you want to accomplish. You get the results you want because the workout you are doing is targeting your goal. Another benefit of having a personal trainer is accountability, you are going to show up to the gym because you have someone waiting for you to arrive at a set time. You are much more likely to go to the gym when you have a trainer that holds you accountable, then if you just go by yourself to work out. A trainer will also push you in your workouts harder then you push yourself. As humans we all feel like we know when we’ve had enough but your trainer knows that you still have some more left in you. So instead of stopping where you normally would the trainer will push you a little bit further so you get more out of your workout.

A trainer will also help make a customized nutritional program that will help benefit and achieve the goals you want to accomplish. What’s different in the actual workout you might be asking yourself. A trainer will personalize a workout plan for you as stated above, but they will switch up your routine as well. Everyone gets bored of doing the same thing over and over again but with a trainer they will switch up your routine and do a different exercise that will target what you want to accomplish but in a different way.

What is a common thing at gyms is that people will be working out but they don’t use the weights properly so they are not actually working out properly. A trainer will show you exactly how to use the equipment (or weight) properly to insure you are correctly targeting that area.

These are just some of the many was you could benefit from having a personal trainer.

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