Plant City Observer

City Pointe hosts Secret Keeper Girl

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City Pointe Church is inviting mothers and their young daughters to take part in the one-of-a-kind Secret Keeper Girl live event, which aims to teach what “true beauty” looks like according to scripture.

“We’re hosting the Secret Keeper Girl live event here in Plant City at the end of the month,” Ellen Lynch, executive assistant of City Pointe Church, said. “Moms and daughters will have time together, receive encouragement and be shown what their relationship with Jesus should look like. We already have more than 400 signed up and there’s still several weeks left. It’s going to be a great event.”

Based off the book “Secret Keeper: The Delicate Power of Modesty” by Dannah Gresh, the tour teaches “what it means to be a godly girl” and is aimed at bringing mothers and daughters closer as preteens learn about modesty and true beauty. 

The two and a half-hour event is aimed at girls age 8 to 12 years old and their mothers. The event starts at 6:30 p.m. at City Pointe Church, 503 N. Palmer St. 

According to the website more than 280,000 people have attended a live Secret Keeper Girl event across 40 states since its inception. The national tour is coming to Plant City for the first time thanks to City Pointe and is estimated to draw anywhere from 600 to 800 attendees. Lynch said there will be the main presentation as well as a unique fashion show and a Q&A with the speakers. 

“This allows families to be pointed back to scripture and back to the standards found in that,” Lynch said. “It’s our instruction manual and this is teaching young girls that when they have questions they can find their answers in scripture. The hope is they’ll fall in love with God and who He created her to be and set those things on a very firm foundation at an early age. That way later on when she’s in middle or high school or even college and she starts to have the world tell her she’s not good enough or she needs to do or act a certain way she’ll know exactly where she can turn for her true self worth.”

This isn’t the first time City Pointe has offered a unique event for the community. Lynch said it frequently tries to meet the needs of the local population and works to have something that speaks to everyone. 

“I think that we just by and large have a huge heart to show our community some different experiences and different ways they can experience Christ,” Lynch said. “A lot of people if they say, ‘Hey come to church with me,’ they may be stand-offish. But if they say, ‘Hey come to this event,’ they may feel more comfortable. It gets their foot in the door so they can see that we’re a little bit different. We’re changing what church looks like and I think the love we have for everyone really comes through when they step through the door.”

The event is aimed at families in the hope that as it points young girls to scripture it can also remind them that their biggest ally often is found in their mother, who can help steer them through the trials and tribulations of growing up. 

For Lynch, the overall goal of the tour and of everything City Pointe offers is to remind people that they are loved and they are worth the world. 

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