Lauryn White's bat got hot at the end of the Plant City Little League season, and hasn't cooled off.
Since the end of the season, Lauryn White’s bat has been on fire. The Majors Softball (Dixie Youth Ponytail Traditional) second baseman and outfielder has, according to manager Jeff Jacobsen, anchored the team with her clutch hitting. White also won first place in the district and sectional pitch, hit and run competitions this year.
Your coach said you played very well in the tournament. How would you say you did, out there?
It went really well. I just started hitting really good toward the end of the season, and I smashed it during the All-Stars.
So you really started hitting the ball well later on. What changed that made you better?
I think, because I was nervous in the beginning — I’m always nervous during softball — toward the end, I just got used to it.
What do you do before games to get your confidence up, so you’re not too nervous when you get out there and play?
Usually on the way there, in the car, if my dad’s driving me, we jam out to songs.
What’s your favorite pre-game jam?
I don’t really have one. Just whatever comes on the radio.
Which stations are you usually listening to on the way there, then?
93.3 or 101.5.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done on a softball field?
I hit a home run.
When was that?
A couple seasons ago.
No home runs since then?
Not really. I’ve mostly gotten doubles and triples.
What positions do you usually play?
I play second base and outfield.
Which is your favorite?
Why that and not outfield?
Because, in the outfield, you don’t really get a lot of balls. Only if the infield misses.
What was it about softball that made you fall in love with the sport?
My mom and dad, they both played softball. All my friends do it.
You get any superpower you want. What do you pick?
Time travel. I want to go to the future.
A little girl comes up to you at Plant City Little League, and she’s the same age you were when you started playing ball. She asks you for advice on how to be an all-star like you. What do you tell her?
Just keep practicing. You’ll get there.
Where do you go to school?
Tomlin Middle.
What’s your favorite subject?
Lunch. Or Language Arts, I guess.
What grade are you in?
I’m going into eighth.
Where are you going to high school next year?
Plant City High.
Do you think you’re going to stick with softball through high school?
Let’s say you can meet any famous person and hang out with them for a day. Who would it be?
5 Seconds of Summer. The lead singer, Luke Hemmings.
You get $1 billion to play with. What do you buy?
A bunch of concert tickets.
You get any superpower you want. What do you pick?
Time travel. I want to go to the future.
What are you best at, on the field?
This season, it was hitting.
Where do you most want to get better?
Making plays — fielding.