Mason Green

Mason Green is a 14-year-old who attends Chris Welbon’s Karate Club. Mason will be starting at Durant High School next week. He just finished competing in Greensboro North Carolina, bringing home three gold medals.
How did you get into Karate?
I started karate as an after-school program. I was picked up at school and brought to the dojo until my mom or dad picked me up.
How long have you been a part of Chris Welbon’s Karate Club?
I started the after-school program at the end of 2016, so almost 8 years.
How many days a week are you doing Karate?
I am at the dojo 3 or 4 nights a week and have private lessons on Saturdays. I can be at the dojo 5 to 6 days a week during tournament season.
What lessons has Karate taught you?
Karate has taught me patience and how to not give up. You might not win every time, but you learn something about yourself win or lose.
What was it like competing in the Junior Olympics in North Carolina?
It was fun and exciting. I cannot wait until next year, we will compete in Houston, TX.
What 3 medals did you bring back home?
I brought home 3 Gold medals. Two in Kobudo (weapons), long (Eku) and short (double nunchaku) and Ultimate Rotational Sparring ( fighting).
Which of those 3 medals are you most proud of if you had to pick?
I am most proud for my short weapons gold medal. I was the only one that competed with nunchuks and not a lot of athletes perform a double nunchaku.
What’s your favorite thing about Karate?
My favorite thing about karate is sparring.
If there were one area of karate you would want to improve on, what would it be and why?
The area in karate I would improve in would be Kata. Kata is more difficult for me because I have to focus more on movements, stances, and having perfect positions.
What advice would you give someone younger than you who wanted to start Karate?
Try it, you might love it and gain friends and family along the way. The worst thing that could happen is you don’t like it and you get kicked in the head or punched in the face.