Evelyn Calderon
Evelyn is a 16-year-old who plays for the Plant City Lancers and Armwood High School.
How long have you been playing soccer?
I’ve been playing soccer for 12 years.
What position do you play in soccer?
I play Center Midfield, mostly the Attacking position.
What’s your favorite thing about soccer?
My favorite thing about soccer is the feeling of success and happiness with others (my teams and coaches).
If you could change one rule in soccer, what would it be and why?
I would change the age limit of a three-year range to play up because there are a lot of players who have potential to play up and have the ability to do it.
What’s another sport you haven’t played yet that you’d like to try and why?
Cross country or track are sports I would like to try because I have good stamina and could run long distances.
When you’re not playing soccer, what are you doing in your free time?
In my free time I like to go to the gym, hang out with friends and family, and study for upcoming exams.

If you got to make your own soccer team, what would you name it and why?
If I had my own soccer team I would name it “The Queens” because if someone was going against us they’d say “We’re going against the Queens.”
If you got to make your own soccer team, what colors would the jerseys be and why?
If I had my own soccer team the jersey color would be a light purple/ lavender color because it’s my favorite color and looks elegant but cute.
If someone wanted to play soccer for the first time, what advice would you give them?
If someone were to play soccer for the first time I would tell them “Don’t focus too hard on emotions( stress, worry, etc.) just go out there and have fun.”
What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
When I grow up, I would like to be an Engineer because I enjoy Mathematics and want to work around others, creating newer and more efficient systems/networks.