Plant City Observer

Around Town 10.26.23

A young boy came to our door a few years ago dressed as the naked cowboy from NYC (g-rated). His guitar completed the costume.

Dave Buyens

I can still smell the plastic masks of the 1970s. We would go to a store called Lampstons and play with all the costumes in the boxes and then go home and be a “bum” using grandpa’s old clothes.

Jo Anne

My granddaughter when her dad made her up as an accident patient and they had her at the end of the driveway on a gurney passing out candy. The makeup was fantastic. The best part though it was a little boy that came around trick-or-treating and he told his mother he didn’t want to take any candy from her because she was hurt and he wanted her to have all the candy. I thought that was adorable.

Strawberry shortcake. I find it odd when parents dress kids up to push their agendas. It’s their day not yours for attention.

Lucy Eli

A witch costume my mama made me when I was six.

Diana Webb

Kiss- I think this was about 2001. Charlie Simpson

A Stove. Ashley Saunders

I Am Spiderman. Edwin Alexander Majia

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