If money were no object, what’s the first thing you would buy?
Somewhere to start a Hugs Cafe like they have in McKinney, Texas
Cindy Wooten
A home with land in Tennessee!
Jennifer Bookmiller
I would build a new barn and then put a wall around and an aviary over my entire animal rescue. Then I would never turn an animal away due to funds
Lisa Redman Spivey
A large working hotel for our homeless friends
Susie Howard
A farm with lots of acreage.
Carol Joiner
40 acres for a family compound.
Donna Robbins
100 wooded acres of land so my friends and I could bow hunt for deer and maybe a small cabin on the property
Gerry Ward
A private island, mostly self sustained with supply drop twice a year. alot of animals and a force field, controlled only by me.
Susan Young
All of the houses around me with the intent of tearing them down and returning the land to its natural state.
Clyde Bull Nelson
A vacation home in the Tennessee mountains
Robyn Walker Cowart
Plant City lol
Tina Garrett Hauser
A summer home up north
Barbara Skaggs Ward
A dock with 3 chairs so I could fish with my dad and papa who has passed away
Grant Knight
My own country
Jenn Wilson
A house
Stephen T. Galindo
A private plan so I could visit any country any time I want
Lora Webb
A home for my Mom.
Winter Dodd
World cruise.
Christine Wynne
A house
Belinda Ashworth
A house
Sheila Sullivan
A special needs community!!!
Where they basically have their own little town in one place with kind people.
Audrey Rose Bartlett